Comments on: Gutsy Continues to Impress // I do stuff with people. Sat, 09 Apr 2011 03:06:47 +0000 hourly 1 By: David A. Harding // David A. Harding Wed, 03 Oct 2007 21:11:07 +0000 // If you say Gutsy, you should say Gibbon; or at least you should make a pun based on it. For example, here's a good punnish title: Gutsy Continues to Gib. (Jargon File: gib /jib/ 1. vi. To destroy utterly. Like {frag}, but much more violent and final. "There's no trace left. You definitely gibbed that bug".) -Dave If you say Gutsy, you should say Gibbon; or at least you should make a pun based on it. For example, here’s a good punnish title: Gutsy Continues to Gib. (Jargon File: gib /jib/ 1. vi. To destroy utterly. Like {frag}, but much more violent and final. “There’s no trace left. You definitely gibbed that bug”.)


By: joe // joe Wed, 03 Oct 2007 12:29:48 +0000 // @markrian: *thunk* fixed. @markrian:
*thunk* fixed.

By: Fabian Rodriguez // Fabian Rodriguez Wed, 03 Oct 2007 12:25:17 +0000 // WTH are DirectConnect and Valknut ? WTH are DirectConnect and Valknut ?

By: markrian // markrian Wed, 03 Oct 2007 11:05:29 +0000 // Going to // returns the following: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in /home/.microfilm/joe_cot/ on line 178 Going to // returns the following:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in /home/.microfilm/joe_cot/ on line 178
