Comments on: TCF, Asterisk Presentation, installing FreePBX in Ubuntu // I do stuff with people. Sat, 09 Apr 2011 03:06:47 +0000 hourly 1 By: Christina // Christina Wed, 20 May 2009 15:24:51 +0000 // Bah, 11 hours worth of candid shots of you guys talking up Ubuntu, but not one of me to show I was even there, let alone doing my share of talking. At least there are a few good pictures of Lyz :) Bah, 11 hours worth of candid shots of you guys talking up Ubuntu, but not one of me to show I was even there, let alone doing my share of talking. At least there are a few good pictures of Lyz :)

By: SlowYaRoll // SlowYaRoll Tue, 19 May 2009 22:43:59 +0000 // As a born and raised Trentonian, now located in the Atlanta-Metro area, I'm happy to see Ubuntu occupying some of the computer real estate in the Trenton area. As a born and raised Trentonian, now located in the Atlanta-Metro area, I’m happy to see Ubuntu occupying some of the computer real estate in the Trenton area.

By: Theron Conrey // Theron Conrey Mon, 18 May 2009 17:48:15 +0000 // nice slides, nice howto. Thanks, -Theron nice slides, nice howto.
