Newark = awesome

So, on Sunday, Christina and I stood outside EB Games for Nintendo stuff.
I got:
2 Wiis
3 Controllers
3 Nunchuks
1 Classic Controller

1 Wii for me, 1 one for Christina's brothers, Zelda and a controllers for christina. In total, I had:

1 Wii
4 Wiimotes
4 Nunchuks
1 Classic Controller
Wii Sports

This morning, I left to take a shower; when I came back, the black bag with my Wii stuff was gone. The Wii was there, a wiimote and nunchuk was there, but the bag and its contents were gone. So I'm now down:

3 Wiimotes
3 Nunchuks
Wii Sports (Which I can't replace!)

So much for Wii fans being nicer.

I don't want to live here anymore.


Apparently there was another theft earlier this week, and as I left for night class, a Public Safety officer was headed in to investigate another theft; apparently, a kid fell asleep with his door unlocked, and when he woke up, his laptop was gone.

To put this in perspective: that's 3 thefts this week, and 2 today. My stuff plus the laptop (not even including whatever was stolen earlier this week) puts the total over 1500 dollars. In other words, we have a felon living in my dorm.

Public Safety's response? Take the report, and leave.

Update(3:55AM) I'm a moron.

I looked up the information on University Center (the private dorms across the street): depending on the wording of their pricing, I can either save 2,000 over living on campus, or 4,000 over living on campus. I'll find out from them tomorrow. Print This Post Print This Post