Cherry Hill June Installfest a Success, et al.

First of all, hello Planet Ubuntu :D , and goodbye Planet Ubuntu Users. :( For those who aren’t aware, Planet Ubuntu Users is a great project which provides a blogging community for Ubuntu users. If you’re only familiar with Planet Ubuntu, check out Planet Ubuntu Users, as there’s some great posts you’re missing out on. Even though I’m a member now, PUU still gets a spot in my aggregator.

The Install Fest on Saturday went great! We did a new install for a new user, fixed weird font rendering problems (the culprit was a bug in FreeType), fixed wireless issues with an upgrade to Xubuntu Feisty, and, equally important, talked to several people who came by just to ask questions and get CDs. We’re having a follow-up new user night at CHLUG this Friday, and it looks like we’ll be getting great attendance.

I’d also like to thank everyone that helped out, and everyone that stopped by to show support. It went great, and I look forward to more events in the future.

Some highlights:

Hanging out at Installfest

i11 guy

Joe helping with an install

Chris and John talking

The rest are available here. On Friday CHLUG will be having a follow-up meeting on how to use Ubuntu. Should be fun! :D Print This Post Print This Post