
What have I been up to? LARPing!

Last month was White Wolf’s first annual convention, The Grand Masquerade. I decided that I was going, but then saw that half the convention was events for The Camarilla, a LARPing group for White Wolf games. I’d previously ignored the Cam, because of the stigma on LARPing in my roleplaying group, but I figured I’d give it a shot.

To that end, I joined the Philadelphia Domain of the Camarilla, which has games on Saturdays in the Philly area. I went out for a Requiem game, and to my surprise, it didn’t suck! And the people didn’t suck! I’m now playing in both the Requiem and Sabbat game (ie Old and New World Vampire), and it’s a blast! Now I’m in charge of their website, and trying to get the word out (*cough* *cough*)

If you’re in the Philly area, in to Roleplaying, and around on a Saturday, look us up for a game. You (probably) won’t regret it.


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Events! Pictures!

Hey people, long time no see.

Okay, first up is Software Freedom Day at PACS. The NJ LoCo Team helped out the PA Team with this event, and Dave Harding gave the main presentation. Pictures:

Dave giving SFD presentation

child looking at Ubuntu PC

PA LoCo Team at PACS

The rest are here.

Next up, the NJ LoCo Team was at the Columbus Farmer’s Market on Saturday. Farmer’s Market, you say? Well, we certainly talked to quite a few people who had never heard of Ubuntu (or linux) before, and we gave out at least 30 OpenCDs and 50 Ubuntu CDs (we never seem to count these things).


LoCo Team table at Columbus Farmer's Market

Jim Fisher and guy

LoCo Team at Columbus Farmer's Market

More are here.

New Jersey LoCo Team
Planet Ubuntu

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Alpha Preview of EVE Online’s Avatar expansion

Watch the video, and while you watch it, remember that these are the people making the World of Darkness MMO

Also, I’ve gotten some nifty ideas for a PhillyByNight secret backstory from Tom. Should be up in the near future.


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Stuff Stuff

Let’s see:

  • Ubucon kicked ass. Met a lot of great people, and I’m motivated for the LoCo team again.
  • Moved all my stuff to a new host, Dreamhost. It’s cheaper, more reliable, and has more stuff.
  • Moved my blog to a wordpress on my site. I’m tired of my livejournal, and I now have things set up so I can post here and automatically post there
  • Sent out an email to the LoCo team, telling them I want to meet. In person. Because we’re all real people, I hope.
  • Moved Philly By Night to the new version of Mediawiki, and added more content. You know you want to work on it, so just do it.
  • I’m juggling 3 million things, but I’m still sane, some how. Let’s keep it that way if we can.

New Jersey LoCo Team

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Can a mortal and a werewolf live happily ever after? Only if it's true love.

I'm archiving this here, because I don't think it will stay up more than an hour. Original post is here. (All this is, of course, in reference to , a Livejournal Sponsored community being used to pimp “Blood And Chocolate”, ie “Underworld 3″)

Subject: *ahem*

On the plus side, I'm very happy that livejournal is receiving the revenue it needs to keep making itself a great place to blog.

Other than that, this is possibly one of the most asinine marketing schemes I've ever seen. You've managed to get a handful of people to actually go along with your “role-play” community, yet, as this post illustrates, they see your movie as a horrible perversion of the book they know and love. The following seems to be your general formula for making movies.

  1. Make an atrocious movie.
    a. Take a well-known, well-loved dark fantasy staple.
    b. Make it into a movie with a multi-million dollar “guns, tits, and explosions” budget, replacing any meaningful plot with an 2 hours of gibberish.
    c. Feebly try to get the fans of 'a' to advertise it for you.
  2. ???
  3. Profit?

What's next? Perhaps you can ruin a few Neil Gaiman works? Personally, I think The Sandman would be a lot cooler if you just had a character named Morpheus, made him a short-tempered mal-adjusted 20-something looking guy living in Eastern Europe, and made the whole story about tits, guns, shooting tits with guns, and him being immortal and all torn up about it. Then you could start a livejournal community dedicated to roleplaying girls getting shot in the breasts while making out with Fairies who are also fighting ninjas. Seriously, the fans will do all the advertising for you, and you can just lay back and snort coke through 100 dollars bills.

I hope that you sent Livejournal a u-haul truck full of 100 dollar bills for this crap, because these ads about “Vivian's Secret” are really starting to get to me, and I'm thinking the “Livejournal Volunteer” that writes Vivian's posts probably soaks themselves in a bathtub full of peroxide when they get home, in a feeble attempt to wash off the shame.


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